Results for 'A. N. St John Mildway'

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  1.  40
    Five Difficult Passages in Apollinaris Sidonius (Ob. 488).A. N. St John Mildway - 1899 - The Classical Review 13 (09):434-436.
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    Crisis and the Renewal of Creation: World and Church in the Age of Ecology.Jeffrey Golliher, William Bryant Logan & N. Cathedral of St John the Divine York - 1996 - Burns & Oates.
    Over the past 25 years, no religious institution in America has done more to explore the link between the environment and spirituality than the Cathedral of St. John the Divine. Now, for the first time, a selection of the finest of the Cathedral's ecological sermons appears in a single volume.
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    Can Online Academic Integrity Instruction Affect University Students’ Perceptions of and Engagement in Academic Dishonesty? Results From a Natural Experiment in New Zealand.Jason Michael Stephens, Penelope Winifred St John Watson, Mohamed Alansari, Grace Lee & Steven Martin Turnbull - 2021 - Frontiers in Psychology 12:569133.
    The problem of academic dishonesty is as old as it is widespread – dating back millennia and perpetrated by the majority of students. Attempts to promote academic integrity, by comparison, are relatively new and rare – stretching back only a few hundred years and implemented by a small fraction of schools and universities. However, the past decade has seen an increase in efforts among universities to promote academic integrity among students, particularly through the use of online courses or tutorials. Previous (...)
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  4. A Commentary on the Gospel According to St. John.J. N. Sanders & B. A. Mastin - 1968
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    Kenneth M. Boyd, MA, BD, Ph. D., is Senior Lecturer in Medical Ethics, Edinburgh University Medical School, Research Director of the Institute of Medical Ethics, and Associate Minister of the Church of St. John the Evangelist, Princes Street, Edinburgh, Scotland. [REVIEW]David A. Buehler, Paul Carrick, David DeGrazia, Alan M. Goldberg, Richard N. Hill, Kenneth V. Iserson & Andrew Jameton - 1999 - Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics 8:6-7.
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    Thoughts on the Gnosis of St John.J. N. Findlay - 1981 - Religious Studies 17 (4):441 - 450.
    The background and purpose of this paper require some explanation. It is not the product of a New Testament scholar, able to weigh and balance theories as to date, origin and doctrinal background of the text attributed to St John, nor to assess the identification of its author with the beloved Disciple elsewhere mentioned or with the author of the Apocalypse, nor to consider his relationship to Gnostics or Stoics or Essenes or other influences in the contemporary Jewish or (...)
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    In the Twilight of Neothomism, a Call for a New Beginning—A Return in Philosophy to the Idea of Progress by Deepening Insight Rather than by Substitution.John N. Deely - 2009 - American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly 83 (2):267-278.
    With a few exceptions, the relation of modern science to medieval natural philosophy is a question that has been largely shunned in the Neothomistic era, in favor of a preoccupation with establishing a “realist metaphysics” that has no need for science in the modern sense nor, for that matter, any need for natural philosophy either. Fr. Ashley’s work confronts this narrow preoccupation head-on, arguing that, in the view of St. Thomas himself, there can be no human wisdom which leaves aside (...)
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  8. Monsignor John Joseph N: Academic, war Chaplain, Parish priest.Damian John Gleeson - 2018 - The Australasian Catholic Record 95 (1):51.
    Gleeson, Damian John In 1924, after a hiatus of a decade, the Australasian Catholic Record was re-established under the driving force of Monsignor John Joseph Nevin, the then vice-president of St Patrick's College, Manly. Mgr Nevin was ACR's principal editor up until 1937 and with the exception of a trip to Ireland and Europe in 1927, he contributed articles and answered questions on topics ranging across canon law, marriage, and moral theology in virtually every quarterly issue of ACR (...)
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  9. Errett Bishop. Foundations of constructive analysis. McGraw-Hill Book Company, New York, San Francisco, St. Louis, Toronto, London, and Sydney, 1967, xiii + 370 pp. - Errett Bishop. Mathematics as a numerical language. Intuitionism and proof theory, Proceedings of the summer conference at Buffalo N.Y. 1968, edited by A. Kino, J. Myhill, and R. E. Vesley, Studies in logic and the foundations of mathematics, North-Holland Publishing Company, Amsterdam and London1970, pp. 53–71. [REVIEW]John Myhill - 1972 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 37 (4):744-747.
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    The Concept of Poverty in St. Thomas Aquinas’s Contra Impugnantes Dei Cultum et Religionem.John D. Jones - 1995 - The Thomist 59 (3):409-439.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE CONCEPT OF POVERTY IN ST. THOMAS AQUINAS'S CONTRA IMPUGNANTES DE/ CULTUM ET RELIGIONEM JOHN D. ]ONES Marquette University Milwaukee, Wisconsin MEDIEVAL CONCEPTIONS of poverty have been given ongoing and serious attention by scholars during this century. The extensive literature on the nature and practice of poverty among the Franciscans bears witness to this. Serious investigation of St. Thomas Aquinas's understanding of poverty, however, is virtually nonexistent. Except (...)
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    Philosophical essays, presented to John Watson.John Watson (ed.) - 1922 - Freeport, N.Y.,: Books for Libraries Press.
    A school of idealism: meditatio laici, by J. Cappon.--Beati possidentes, by R. M. Wenley.--Moral validity: a study in Platonism, by R. C. Lodge.--Plato and the poet's eidōla, by A. S. Ferguson.--Some reflections on Aristotle's theory of tragedy, by G. S. Brett.--The function of the phantasm in St. Thomas Aquinas, by H. Carr.--The development of the psychology of Maine de Biran, by N. J. Symons.--A plea for eclecticism, by H. W. Wright.--Some present-day tendencies in philosophy, by J. M. MacEachran.--Evolution and personality, (...)
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    Hegel’s Metametaphysical Antirealism.Annapolis W. Clark Wolf St John’S. College & U. S. A. Maryland - forthcoming - International Journal of Philosophical Studies:1-22.
    This essay defends a reading of Hegel as a metametaphysical antirealist. Metametaphysical antirealism is a denial that metaphysics has as its subject matter answers to theoretical questions about the mind-independent world. Hence, on this view, metaphysical questions are not, in principle, knowledge transcendent. I hold that Hegel presents a version of metaphysical antirealism in the Science of Logic because he pursues his project by suspending reference to all supposed objects of metaphysical theory as practiced before him. Hegel introduces reference in (...)
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    Data Management and Data Sharing in Science and Technology Studies.Edward J. Hackett, Manfred Laubichler, John N. Parker & Jane Maienschein - 2019 - Science, Technology, and Human Values 44 (1):143-160.
    This paper presents reports on discussions among an international group of science and technology studies scholars who convened at the US National Science Foundation to think about data sharing and open STS. The first report, which reflects discussions among members of the Society for Social Studies of Science, relates the potential benefits of data sharing and open science for STS. The second report, which reflects discussions among scholars from many professional STS societies, focuses on practical and conceptual issues related to (...)
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    Crisis Management and Ethics: Moving Beyond the Public-Relations-Person-as-Corporate-Conscience Construct.Burton St John Iii & Yvette E. Pearson - 2016 - Journal of Media Ethics 31 (1):18-34.
    Over the past 40 years, scholars and practitioners of public relations have often cast public relations workers in the role of the public relations-person-as-corporate-conscience. This work, however, maintains that this construct is so problematic that invoking it is of negligible use in addressing ethical issues that emerge during a crisis. In fact, a complex crisis, such as the Jahi McMath “brain death” case at Children’s Hospital Oakland, demonstrates the need to abandon the PRPaCC construct to better engage affected stakeholders, including (...)
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  15. What was Einstein's Principle of Equivalence?John Norton - 1985 - Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part A 16 (3):203.
    sn y™to˜er —nd xovem˜er IWHUD just over two ye—rs —fter the ™ompletion of his spe™i—l theory of rel—tivityD iinstein m—de the ˜re—kthrough th—t set him on the p—th to the gener—l theory of rel—tivityF ‡hile prep—ring — review —rti™le on his new spe™i—l theory of rel—tivityD he ˜e™—me ™onvin™ed th—t the key to the extension of the prin™iple of rel—tivity to —™™eler—ted motion l—y in the rem—rk—˜le —nd unexpl—ined empiri™—l ™oin™iden™e of the equ—lity of inerti—l —nd gr—vit—tion—l m—ssesF „o interpret (...)
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  16. Characteristics of dissociable human learning systems.David R. Shanks & Mark F. St John - 1994 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 17 (3):367-447.
    A number of ways of taxonomizing human learning have been proposed. We examine the evidence for one such proposal, namely, that there exist independent explicit and implicit learning systems. This combines two further distinctions, (1) between learning that takes place with versus without concurrent awareness, and (2) between learning that involves the encoding of instances (or fragments) versus the induction of abstract rules or hypotheses. Implicit learning is assumed to involve unconscious rule learning. We examine the evidence for implicit learning (...)
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    Problems of space and time.John Jamieson Carswell Smart - 1964 - New York,: Macmillan.
    Part I. Space and Time in the History of Philosophy. The Concept of Space in Antiquity / Max Jammer. -- Aristotle and the Sea Battle / G.E.M. Anscombe. -- Questions About Time / St. Augustine. -- Space and Matter / Renè Descartes. -- Absolute Space and Time / Isaac Newton. -- The Relational Theory of Space and Time / Gottfried Leibniz. -- Place, Extension and Duration / John Locke. -- Transcendental Ideality of Space and Time / Immanuel Kant. -- (...)
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    Training for Teaching: A Three Year CourseIntroduction to Educational MethodBasic Concepts of Teaching.John Lawson, A. N. Gillett, J. E. Sadler, H. M. Knox & Asahel D. Woodruff - 1962 - British Journal of Educational Studies 10 (2):207.
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    Life, death, and the law: a study of the relationship between law and Christian morals in the English and American legal systems.Norman St John-Stevas - 1961 - Littleton, Colo.: Rothman.
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    Nature, Contemplation and the One.A. H. Armstrong & John N. Deck - 1969 - Philosophical Quarterly 19 (74):81.
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    The genetic analysis of mitosis in Aspergillus nidulans.N. Ronald Morris, John H. Doonan, Stephen A. Osmani & Dorothy B. Engle - 1989 - Bioessays 10 (6):196-201.
    We describe here recent work on the molecular genetics of mitosis in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus nidulans. Aspergillus is one of three simple eukaryotes with powerful genetic systems that have been used to analyze mitosis. The modern molecular biological techniques available with this organism have made it possible to use mutations to identify genes and proteins that play an important role in mitosis. Three Aspergillus genes that affect mitosis are described. One gene, nimA, is specifically expressed late in the cell (...)
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    Rhetoricians identified: A call to interdisciplinary action and how it resonated in the field of rhetoric.Christine Isager & Sine Nørholm Just - 2005 - Philosophy and Rhetoric 38 (3):248-258.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Rhetoricians Identified:A Call to Interdisciplinary Action and How it Resonated in the Field of RhetoricChristine Isager and Sine Nørholm Just"I actually like this book a lot, but I am not sure how comfortable I am with liking it," wrote William Keith (1995, 488) in a review of the original 1993 edition of Steve Fuller's Philosophy, Rhetoric, and the End of Knowledge (PREK), in which rhetoric is invited to participate (...)
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    The Substantial Unity of Material Substances according to John Poinsot.John D. Kronen - 1994 - The Thomist 58 (4):599-615.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE SUBSTANTIAL UNITY OF MATERIAL SUBSTANCES ACCORDING TO JOHN POINSOT JOHN D. KRONEN The University of St. Thomas St. Paul, Minnesota EVERY SUBSTANCE metaphysician must answer several difficult questions peculiar to his or her ontology. In this paper I will examine John Poinsot's answer to two of these questions, one concerning the nature of the form of substantial composites, and one concerning which material objects are (...)
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  24.  12
    Time and Modality.A. N. Prior - 1957 - London: Oxford University Press.
  25. Complete chemical synthesis, assembly, and cloning of a mycoplasma genitalium genome.Daniel Gibson, Benders G., A. Gwynedd, Cynthia Andrews-Pfannkoch, Evgeniya Denisova, Baden-Tillson A., Zaveri Holly, Stockwell Jayshree, B. Timothy, Anushka Brownley, David Thomas, Algire W., A. Mikkel, Chuck Merryman, Lei Young, Vladimir Noskov, Glass N., I. John, J. Craig Venter, Clyde Hutchison, Smith A. & O. Hamilton - 2008 - Science 319 (5867):1215--1220.
    We have synthesized a 582,970-base pair Mycoplasma genitalium genome. This synthetic genome, named M. genitalium JCVI-1.0, contains all the genes of wild-type M. genitalium G37 except MG408, which was disrupted by an antibiotic marker to block pathogenicity and to allow for selection. To identify the genome as synthetic, we inserted "watermarks" at intergenic sites known to tolerate transposon insertions. Overlapping "cassettes" of 5 to 7 kilobases (kb), assembled from chemically synthesized oligonucleotides, were joined by in vitro recombination to produce intermediate (...)
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  26. Prosocial Citizens Without a Moral Compass? Examining the Relationship Between Machiavellianism and Unethical Pro-Organizational Behavior.Christian N. Thoroughgood, John E. Buckner & Christopher M. Castille - 2018 - Journal of Business Ethics 149 (4):919-930.
    Research in the organizational sciences has tended to portray prosocial behavior as an unqualified positive outcome that should be encouraged in organizations. However, only recently, have researchers begun to acknowledge prosocial behaviors that help maintain an organization’s positive image in ways that violate ethical norms. Recent scandals, including Volkswagen’s emissions scandal and Penn State’s child sex abuse scandal, point to the need for research on the individual factors and situational conditions that shape the emergence of these unethical pro-organizational behaviors. Drawing (...)
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    Anger-congruent behaviour transfers across driving situations.Amanda N. Stephens & John A. Groeger - 2011 - Cognition and Emotion 25 (8):1423-1438.
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    Connexive Implications in Substructural Logics.Davide Fazio & Gavin St John - 2024 - Review of Symbolic Logic 17 (3):878-909.
    This paper is devoted to the investigation of term-definable connexive implications in substructural logics with exchange and, on the semantical perspective, in sub-varieties of commutative residuated lattices (FL ${}_{\scriptsize\mbox{e}}$ -algebras). In particular, we inquire into sufficient and necessary conditions under which generalizations of the connexive implication-like operation defined in [6] for Heyting algebras still satisfy connexive theses. It will turn out that, in most cases, connexive principles are equivalent to the equational Glivenko property with respect to Boolean algebras. Furthermore, we (...)
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    Loss Aversion Reflects Information Accumulation, Not Bias: A Drift-Diffusion Model Study.N. Clay Summer, A. Clithero John, M. Harris Alison & L. Reed Catherine - 2017 - Frontiers in Psychology 8.
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    Variation in Working Memory.Andrew R. A. Conway, Michael J. Kane, Akira Miyake & John N. Towse (eds.) - 2006 - Oxford University Press USA.
    Working memory--the ability to keep important information in mind while comprehending, thinking, and acting--varies considerably from person to person and changes dramatically during each person's life. Understanding such individual and developmental differences is crucial because working memory is a major contributor to general intellectual functioning. This volume offers a state-of-the-art, integrative, and comprehensive approach to understanding variation in working memory by presenting explicit, detailed comparisons of the leading theories. It incorporates views from the different research groups that operate on each (...)
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  31. Developing the Quantitative Histopathology Image Ontology : A case study using the hot spot detection problem.Metin Gurcan, Tomaszewski N., Overton John, A. James, Scott Doyle, Alan Ruttenberg & Barry Smith - 2017 - Journal of Biomedical Informatics 66:129-135.
    Interoperability across data sets is a key challenge for quantitative histopathological imaging. There is a need for an ontology that can support effective merging of pathological image data with associated clinical and demographic data. To foster organized, cross-disciplinary, information-driven collaborations in the pathological imaging field, we propose to develop an ontology to represent imaging data and methods used in pathological imaging and analysis, and call it Quantitative Histopathological Imaging Ontology – QHIO. We apply QHIO to breast cancer hot-spot detection with (...)
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    (1 other version)Aquinas.Anthony John Patrick Kenny - 1969 - Garden City, N.Y.,: Anchor Books.
    The historical context of the philosophical work of St. Thomas Aquinas, by D. Knowles.--Form and existence, by P. Geach.--Categories, by H. McCabe.--Analogy as a rule of meaning for religious language, by J. F. Ross.--Nominalism, by P. Geach.--St. Thomas' doctrine of necessary being, by P. Brown.--The proof ex motu for the existence of God; logical analysis of St. Thomas' arguments, by J. Salamucha.--Infinite causal regression, by P. Brown.--St. Thomas Aquinas and the language of total dependence, by J. N. Deck.--Divine foreknowledge and (...)
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    The Non-Infallible Moral Teaching of the Church.John R. Connery - 1987 - The Thomist 51 (1):1-16.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE NON-INFALLIBLE MORAL TEACIDNG OF THE CHURCH T:HE CHURCH has always claimed the authority to each in the name of Christ. This authority is given to he Pope and to the Bishops in union with him. It is their duty to hand on the Christian message and keep it intact. The duty of the rest of the faithful is to follow this teaching. The Latin term used to express (...)
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    Friedenberg Sasanian Jewry and its Culture. A Lexicon of Jewish and Related Seals. Introduction by Norman Golb. Pp. xvi + 75, ills. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2009. Cased, US$40. ISBN: 978-0-252-03367-4. [REVIEW]St John Simpson - 2010 - The Classical Review 60 (2):621-622.
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    Problems with theory, problems with practice: wide reflective equilibrium and bioethics.Jeremy St John - 2007 - South African Journal of Philosophy 26 (2):204-215.
    In A Theory of Justice, John Rawls devised the method of reflective equilibrium in an attempt to broker consensus between ethical approaches emphasising individual moral judgements, and those emphasising moral principles, expanding this method in the later paper; “The Independence of Moral Theory”, to produce wide reflective equilibrium. In a number of essays compiled in Justice and Justification, Norman Daniels articulated a more comprehensive version of Rawls's methodology in response to something of a similar struggle within contemporary bioethics, between (...)
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  36. The Breakthrough Experience: DMT Hyperspace and its Liminal Aesthetics.Graham St John - 2018 - Anthropology of Consciousness 29 (1):57-76.
    Known to produce out-of-body states and profound changes in sensory perception, mood, and thought, DMT is a potent short-lasting tryptamine that has experienced growing appeal in the last decade, independent from ayahuasca, the Amazonian visionary brew in which it is an integral ingredient. Investigating user reports available online as well as a variety of other sources consulted in extended cultural research, this article focuses on the “breakthrough” event commonly associated with the DMT trance. The DMT breakthrough event coincides with significant (...)
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    5. imperial spaces in Pekka hämäläinen's the comanche empire.Rachel St John - 2013 - History and Theory 52 (1):75-80.
    This review focuses on Pekka Hämäläinen’s characterization and analysis of the Comanche empire as a spatial category in The Comanche Empire and discusses how this work relates to broader discussions about space and power in borderlands and imperial histories. Although empires have long been central actors in borderlands histories, “empire” has not necessarily been a category of spatial organization and analysis and certainly not one used to describe spaces controlled by Native peoples. By contrast, while Hämäläinen emphasizes the imperial characteristics (...)
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  38. The past, present, and future of music and emotion research.Patrik N. Juslin & Sloboda & A. John - 2011 - In Patrik N. Juslin & John Sloboda (eds.), Handbook of Music and Emotion: Theory, Research, Applications. Oxford University Press.
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  39. Some problems of self-reference in John Buridan.A. N. Prior - 1967 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 157:417-418.
  40. St︠s︡ientizm v ėstetike modernizma.Pavel Mikhaĭlovich Nagapeti︠a︡n - 1979 - Erevan: Izd-vo AN ArmSSR.
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    Light at the end of the pipeline?: Choosing a forum for suspected terrorists.Amos N. Guiora & John T. Parry - manuscript
    Despite the fact that six years have passed since 9/11, the Pentagon's recent decision to try six Guantanamo detainees for capital crimes such as terrorism and support of terrorism made national headlines. William Glaberson, "U.S. Charges 6 With Key Roles in 9/11 Attacks", N.Y. Times, Feb. 11, 2008, at A1. In this Debate, Professors Amos N. Guiora, of the University of Utah, and John T. Parry, of Lewis & Clark Law School, attempt to settle the question of what sort (...)
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    Putting Children at the Centre: Making policy as if children mattered.Susan St John - 2014 - Educational Philosophy and Theory 46 (9):1004-1017.
    What do we mean when we say we want to put children at the centre of policy? What are the moral justifications for this approach? Has it become harder for us to understand this concept, when in practice paid work has been at the centre? In part confusion arises because the unpaid work of caring for children is invisible until it is marketized. In turn, the underlying problem is that we have forgotten our traditions of egalitarianism and adopted a powerful (...)
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  43. A systematic, large-scale study of synaesthesia: implications for the role of early experience in lexical-colour associations.Anina N. Rich, John L. Bradshaw & Jason B. Mattingley - 2005 - Cognition 98 (1):53-84.
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    The changing work of infant teachers: Some policy issues.R. J. Campbell, L. Evans, S. R. St John Neill & A. Packwood - 1992 - British Journal of Educational Studies 40 (2):149-162.
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    Most Simple Extensions of Are Undecidable.Nikolaos Galatos & Gavin St John - 2022 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 87 (3):1156-1200.
    All known structural extensions of the substructural logic $\textbf{FL}_{\textbf{e}}$, the Full Lambek calculus with exchange/commutativity (corresponding to subvarieties of commutative residuated lattices axiomatized by $\{\vee, \cdot, 1\}$ -equations), have decidable theoremhood; in particular all the ones defined by knotted axioms enjoy strong decidability properties (such as the finite embeddability property). We provide infinitely many such extensions that have undecidable theoremhood, by encoding machines with undecidable halting problem. An even bigger class of extensions is shown to have undecidable deducibility problem (the (...)
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    Perceived stress during pregnancy and the catechol-O-methyltransferase (COMT) rs165599 polymorphism impacts on childhood IQ.Yvette N. Lamb, John M. D. Thompson, Rinki Murphy, Clare Wall, Ian J. Kirk, Angharad R. Morgan, Lynnette R. Ferguson, Edwin A. Mitchell & Karen E. Waldie - 2014 - Cognition 132 (3):461-470.
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    Sokratesn u nra zhamanakě: dasakhosutʻyunneri tekʻst.Agasi Torgomovich Gevorki︠a︡n - 2013 - Erevan: Chartaraget.
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    From Doctor to Healer: The Transformative Journey.Robbie Davis-Floyd & Gloria St John - 1998 - Rutgers University Press.
    Why would a successful physician who has undergone seven years of rigorous medical training take the trouble to seek out and learn to practice alternative methods of healing such as homeopathy and Chinese medicine? From Doctor to Healer answers this question as it traces the transformational journeys of physicians who move across the philosophical spectrum of American medicine from doctor to healer. Robbie Davis-Floyd and Gloria St. John conducted extensive interviews to discover how and why physicians make the move (...)
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    The works of John Locke. Philosophical works, with a preliminary essay and notes by J.A. St. John.John Locke & James Augustus St John - 1877
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    The Unity of the Vices.Jonathan Jacobs & John Zeis - 1990 - The Thomist 54 (4):641-653.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:THE UNITY OF THE VICES JONATHAN JACOBS Oolgate University, Hamilton, New York JOHN ZEIS Oanisius Ooilege, Buffalo, New York W:E SOMETIMES describe someone 1rus "just plain,, ' ' • • 0 " ' ' • • mean, or Just plam d1shonesit, orr JUSt pJam unw." Or we say" thaJt wrus ·a just plain ·stupid thing rto do.," G~a:liizing from tlhese and lik!e descriiptions, we can ask, are there (...)
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